Press Release: Final Press-Conference of the Book Platform Project

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Final Press-Conference of the Book Platform Project

The Book Platform project and Armenian Literature Foundation invite you to the press-conference on the occasion of finalizing the Book Platform project, which will take place on:

July 24th, 2014 (Thursday), 14:00
at Elite Plaza, Gyulbenkian Hall15
Khorenatsi Str., Yerevan 0010, Armenia

The achievements of the project will be presented by Nerses Ter-Vardanyan (Deputy Minister of Ministry of Culture of Armenia), Yana Genova (director of Next Page Foundation), Arevik Ashkharoyan (project manager for Armenia), Iryna Lepska (project manager for Ukraine).

is a project of Next Page Foundation in cooperation with Armenian Literature Foundation (Armenia), National Publishers Association (Armenia), Georgian Publishers and Booksellers Association (Georgia), Publishers Forum-Lviv (Ukraine). The project is funded by the European Union and is implemented in frames of the Eastern Partnership Culture programme in support of the role of culture in the region's sustainable development and promotion of regional cooperation among public institutions, civil society, cultural and academic organisations in the Eastern Partnership region and with the European Union. Over the past two and a half years the book sectors in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine were supported in overcoming the challenges that publishing, writing and translating face today. The project targeted everybody that is professionally involved and concerned about the future of the book: publishers, writers, translators, booksellers, librarians and their associations but also public bodies in the cultural sphere and cultural organizations. In a long-term perspective the project is about the readers who have the right to access to high quality books, in their own languages and at affordable prices.

The project offered to Armenian, Georgian and Ukrainian book professionals the possibility to increase their skills and knowledge, to get involved in international networks with colleagues abroad and to acquire key data that will help taking smart decisions about the future.

In cooperation with partners in the countries, the project achieved:
  • 10 training workshops on how to sell rights abroad, how to publish books digitally, how to make more people read, etc., with a total number of over 350 participants;
  • 10 interns with invaluable experience from top organizations abroad;
  • 12 quantitative and qualitative studies on the publishing industries, on literary translations flows and on reading habits in the three countries, 12 public discussions and 5 professional discussions with policy makers on the results of the studies;
  • over 20 project presentations and participation in major book events abroad and in the region;
  • 39 editors, agents, cultural journalists and professionals from Europe and neighboring countries visited the three countries and learned more about their literatures and cultures.

And much more than that: the Book Platform became indeed a platform of real professional and human exchange between colleagues from participating countries but also with the ones in the European Union. Everything about the project is available at: bookplatform.npage.org

"This project was a wonderful opportunity to bring together professionals from different countries on one platform for an open discussion of problems, solutions and cooperation in the publishing field".
Armen Martirosyan, publisher

"The studies of translations done within the Book Platform project are exclusive materials now available for professionals to use as a guideline in their everyday work."
Zaven Boyajyan, translator

For more information, please, contact:
Arevik Ashkharoyan, local project manager Book Platform
Armenian Literature Foundation

50a/1 M. Mashtots ave., Yerevan, Armenia
Telephone: (374-77) 35 11 12


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