Промоцiя читання

17-18 травня 2013 року Львові

Програма та промовці

Thursday 16 May

Participants and speakers arrivals.
19:30 - Dinner

Friday 17 May
09:30–10:00 – Registration of all participants.
10:00–10:20 – Welcome and intro to the Children festival and what is "Book Platform" (by Iryna Lepska). Greetings from local authorities (Dmytro Posypanko, Regional Council; Iryna Magdysh, City Council).
10:20–10:50 – The Big Hello: introduction of participants, their organizations/projects and expectations from the workshop (by Olena Bashun, Olena Liublianska).
10:50-11:00 - Introduction to this workshop: focus/purpose, structure, methods, etc. (by Elżbieta Olszewska).
11:00–11:30 – Introduction of the Foundation "ABCXXI - All of Poland Reads to Kids" and implementation of the social campaign "All of Poland Reads to Kids" (by Elżbieta Olszewska).
11:30–11:50 – Coffee break
11:50–12:50 - Lecture "Educating by reading" (by Elżbieta Olszewska).
12:50–14:00 – Workshop "Values Teaching" (by Elżbieta Olszewska).
14:00–15:00 – Lunch
15:00–16:00 – Lecture "Organization of the social campaign "All of Poland Reads to Kids – overview of different practices and techniques" (by Elżbieta Olszewska).
16:00–17:20 – Coffee break
17:20–18:20 – Work in groups "Preparation of the campaign and work of the leader and coordinator" (by Elżbieta Olszewska). 18:20–19:00 – Questions, reflections on the day by participants (by Olena Bashun and Olena Lublianska). Reporting back of the participants.

19:30-22:00 - Welcome party for festival participants at Art-Café Dzyga (35 Virmenska Str.)

Saturday 18 May
10:00–11:40 – Pro and cons of digital media: reading with digital media (by Dr. Sigrid Fahrer).
11:40–12:00 – Coffee break
12:00–14:00 – Ideas for reading projects with digital media/projects of Stiftung Lesen & Try-out Apps, E-Books and Enhanced-Books (by Dr. Sigrid Fahrer).
14:00–15:00 – Lunch
15:00–16:00 – Panel discussion moderated by Olena Bashun and Olena Liublianska.
Participants: Cornelia Kothe (Bonn Culture Office, Germany); Lena Askurava (Deputy director of Tbilisi Main Library, Georgia); Anahit Kocharyan (Director of Lori Regional Library, Armenia); Larysa Mytrofanova (Director of Poltava regional children's library, Ukraine).
16:00–16:20 – Coffee break
16:20-19:00 – Training "How to conduct a successful action on reading promotion: methodological and practical principles" (by Olena Bashun, Olena Liublianska).
20:00 – Farewell dinner for all participants (Café One, Cathedral sq., 5)

Sunday 19 May

Sightseeing tour and participation in the Children's festival.

Optional – Program of meetings in the children's libraries:
a) Lviv Central Library System for Children (3 Okunewskogo Str.)
b) Lviv Regional Library for Children (1Vynnychenka Str.)
c) Head of the Scientific Library of the Ivan Franko University of Lviv (5 Dragomanova Str.)


Elżbieta Olszewska, Poland – a Board Member and Program Director of the Foundation ABCXXI - All of Poland Reads to Kids. The author of numerous educational programs, lecturer and trainer. Co-author of the books "The baby in the world of values" and "Education through reading". Member of the Academy of Young Economist. In 2012 was awarded a Prize of the Polish Language Masters Forge.

Dr. Sigrid Fahrer, Germany –
project manager at Stiftung Lesen in Mainz. The main focus of her work lies on media literacy, on reading in the digital age, and on the connection between reading and sports. She is responsible for planning, acquiring and organizing projects and initiatives in these areas. Currently she is in charge of promoting the online website for kids www.clixmix.de. Additionally she is organizing reading activities at German premier league's kidsclubs and arranging a conference on reading and sports.

Olena, Ukraine – PhD, Ukrainian scientist, social activist, member of the Donetsk branch of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society. Founder of two nongovernmental organizations - Donetsk Regional Association "Community Initiatives" and Donetsk regional branch of the Ukrainian Library Association. Participant of numerous international workshops and educational programs on marketing and fundraising for librarians.

Olena Liublianska, Ukraine – head of analytical department of Lugansk Regional Youth Library. Developed several training courses for librarians such as "Action as an effective method and form of reading support"; "Advertising of books and reading. Target group – youth"; "Self-educational reading for librarians in the web"; "Library in today's media environment. Practical tips for working in social networks". Provides annual analysis of the work of public libraries in the Lugansk region concerning library services for youth.


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