Промоцiя читання

17-18 травня 2013 року Львові

Best Practices Report on Reading Promotion

In the modern dynamic society it is becoming more and more difficult to make a child interested in reading. The role of the book in the making of a growing-up personality remains, however, indispensable. The world is rapidly changing, it is becoming more and more the world of the virtual and the world of multimedia, therefore, the techniques for promoting reading should change and meet modern demands.

Here we suggest a list of practices different in form and content that could be used to popularize reading among children and teenagers. We hope that the suggested practices, coming from
European Union and Eastern Partnership countries, will inspire librarians, teachers, cultural managers and other promoters of reading to implement such initiatives at local, national and international levels. Such events could become the small steps necessary to bring about great changes.


Premier League Reading Stars is a partnership project between the National Literacy Trust and the Premier League. It is the reading intervention programme that targets children and young people who are not yet fans of reading but who are passionate about football. Since 2012 thousands of schools and libraries were involved into the project. Premier League Reading Stars programme helps a school to engage pupils who have low literacy levels and feel that reading is for others.The programme is flexible enough to be used in both primary and secondary setting. It is especially successful in transforming boys' attitudes towards literacy and will engage those who have a passion for football. The programme also provides an opportunity to engage with, and bring benefits to, parents. Their involvement can help in terms of raising their own confidence, as well as inspiring them to improve their own skills and take more interest in their children's reading habits.
For more information: http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/premier_league_reading_stars

BOOKS ON BUSES GET MIDDLESBROUGH READING /Arriva North East, National Literacy Trust (UK)/

Joint project of bus company Arriva North East and National Literacy Trust in in partnership with Middlesbrough Council. To get more people in the area reading, Arriva North East gave free children's books away on its Service 27 buses. 15,000 children's books were donated and families were able to pick up a free book on two bus routes which travel through some of the most deprived areas of Middlesbrough and make over 22,400 journeys a week. Families read the books while on the bus and took them home with them. 9,000 families have so far taken home a free book. Local resident Sylvia is a great-grandmother to Lily, 6, and Thomas, said: "I think it's a really smashing idea - it gives the kids something to do on the bus and they can read at home, too. I took a copy of the Michael Morpurgo book and they loved it. They stopped watching cartoons on the telly and we read instead. They were talking together about the pictures - it was lovely."
For more information: https://www.arrivabus.co.uk/north-east/Lukas-Jutkiewicz-launches-book-campaign/


A bus full of books and playing materials visits neighborhood libraries and centers, playgrounds, parks, and public swimming pools, 49 weeks of the year. Trained reading animators arrange tailor made and interesting meetings with books for children up to twelve years of age. Beginner-book children get their first literary experience with verses and stories. Preschool children learn about a wide spectrum of items from pictures to audio-books with the story carousel. In the "Book Gang" school children meet to dive deeper into books. Yearly, in about 800 expeditions, the children's literature bus reaches 6000 people.
For more information:


The National Week of Reading to Children (within national social campaign called "All of Poland Reads to Kids") aimed at raising readers – educated, cultural and wise people - through daily reading aloud to children since their earliest childhood: at home, kindergartens and schools. It appeals to all people, non-governmental organizations and institutions responsible for education of the young generation to introduce and implement activities supporting daily reading aloud to children and adolescents - 20 minutes a day, every day. The National Week of Reading to Children has been organized since 2002. Every year ABCXXI Foundation provides vast mobilization of volunteers (leaders and coordinators) and distribution of the number of promotional materials like posters, brochures, bookmarks, stickers to over 4500 destinations throughout the country. Within a week thousands of events, such as parades of literary characters, competitions, performances and public readings, are organized by parents, teachers, librarians, artists, representatives of authorities, media and church from all over the country. In 2011 in cooperation with Czech Foundation "Every Czech Reads to Kids", was established the First International Week of Reading to Children.
For more information: http://www.allofpolandreadstokids.org/

Over 90% of maternity hospitals nationwide received more than 72500 sets named "The First Book for My Child", which were given to young mothers free of charge. The set containing a book and a DVD with an educational film and lullabies was developed by the foundation "ABCXXI – All of Poland Reads to Children" in order to encourage young parents to read to their child since birth. The aim of the project is to increase the understanding of young parents that at least 20 minutes of reading aloud every day positively influences linguistic, psychological and mental development of a child, and also satisfies their emotional needs. The project was implemented and financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland. 
For more information: http://www.calapolskaczytadzieciom.pl/pkmd


A series of meetings that involve an animator reading a passage from a book, followed by a screening of the book's adaptation or a film based on a subject close to the subject of the book. Cartoons produced by outstanding creators of animations are presented most frequently. A children's literature library – "Small Man's Library" – also operates at Agrafka. The project aims at the youngest readers. After readings and watching children are invited to the studio where, with the help of colors and shapes, they can express their impressions of the film and the book. It greatly stimulates their imagination. Specialists experienced in the work with children are invited to participate in the project. The program offers the most interesting books of Polish and foreign authors. It is also a good opportunity for parents to recall their favorite tales and cartoons since childhood.
For more information: http://www.kinoagrafka.pl/czio.html

ABSORBING BOOKS IN HAPPY MEAL /McDonald's, Shtiftung Lesen (Germany)/

In cooperation with German Reading Foundation Shtiftung Lesen, McDonald's is set to replace the toys which come with its famous Happy Meals with books as part of an effort to boost child literacy.  All book titles on offer are of high quality. The Stiftung Lesen has approved the selection of titles to be suitable for children of a certain age. Parents can choose a book according to their wishes. The titles range from fiction to nonfiction books, some being suited for reading aloud to the little ones, other for older children reading themselves. An impressive number of books were given away. In Germany four million books found their way into the homes of families with children aged five to ten years during the campaign in September 2012. Such campaign serves as a low-threshold tool to reach children of families that do not value books and reading as much as needed in order for the children to acquire functional reading skills.
For more information: https://www.stiftunglesen.de/initiativen-und-aktionen/aktionen/buchaktion

SPOKES /Educational Endowment Foundation (UK)/

SPOKES (Supporting Parents on Kids' Education) is a project that aims to give parents the skills they need to help their children learn to read. Parents attend 12 weekly sessions where educational psychologists and parent support workers show them simple teaching strategies to use when reading with their child. The two main strategies taught are 'Pause Prompt Praise' and the 'whole language' approach to reading. In the 'Pause Prompt Praise' approach parents are shown how to respond when their child does not recognize a word. The whole language approach encourages parents to discuss books with their child, instead of just putting them away when finished.
For more information: http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/projects/spokes/

PLAYING WITH NURSERY RHYMES /GGG Public Library (Switzerland)/

Parents and their toddlers profit from monthly beginner's book meetings for toddlers, organized by the GGG public library, which include rhymes, songs and stories. Children's rhymes are the shortest of stories, which contain everything that makes up literature: sound, rhythm and content. They are also an introduction into the world of both language and books. In the beginner's book meeting, lively fairy tales and finger or word games are put to the test, under the instruction of skilled leaders. Old verses find new live as they are spontaneously tailored to the youngest library visitor. The rhymes from one's childhood can be heard and picture books may be thumbed through or read aloud. The adults receive information regarding the primer books theme.
For more information: http://www.spendenfondslesen.ch

READING ENJOYMENT "FUN-PASS" /GGG Public Library (Switzerland)/

Every summer and winter since 2002, the GGG public library promotes special projects to instill the desire to read in school children. In winter, under the motto "Discover Basel's book places", children visit the libraries of Basel and Riehen. In each library there are exciting puzzles to solve. In this playful way they are introduced to the treasures the library has to offer. Whoever solves all the puzzles may take part in a drawing with attractive prizes. The summer "Fun-pass" encourages children to read for 15 minutes a day, when ever possible. They can add this "reading day" to their personal reading-pass booklet. Those reading often enough, also take part in a drawing. Classes may also participate in these contests and with a little luck might "earn" money for their class collection.
For more information: http://www.spendenfondslesen.ch/

WWW CAMPAIGN /Wroclaw City Public Library (Poland)/

The project "www" (Come. Take. Rest.) is focused on teenagers. Encouraging teenagers to read is a useful experience since this category is the most difficult to work with. Within the project a number of printed materials in a teenage style was developed among which invitations to art events, bookmarks for teenagers, a map "Do You Know Where Your Library Is Situated?". Children evaluated the books which they read, putting stamps "HIT. OK. KIT". Later librarians processed these feedbacks and considered them while further purchased books for teenagers. A special web-page "Youth" was also created for teenagers. There they could find interesting information about books and events in the library. In addition to that, a series of events for teenagers was held. Among them there were recording of an audio-book, workshops on literary criticism, preparation of a musical installation, etc.
For more information: http://www.biblioteka.wroc.pl/mlodziez/projekty/kampania-www-wstap-wypozycz-wyluzuj

IN THE WAKE OF WORD AND IMAGE /Helene-Lange-Gymnasium (Germany)/

For the promotion of reading in the gymnasium graphic novellas are used in the learning process. The project combines theory and practice with the school-children's interests: graphic novellas tell complicated stories in a comic way and speak through creative constructions and combinations of words and images to those who read reluctantly. Primarily with the help of the project secondary school pupils (8-10 grades) are motivated to read. The aim of the project consists in making the loss of interest in reading, which occurs in the teenage age, less perceptible and in attracting pupils to new forms of literature which will bring them joy and will be modern. This project received the reading prize initiated by Stiftung Lesen і Commerzbank-Stiftung.
For more information: http://www.deutscher-lesepreis.de/aktuelles/


Nationwide Contest of Children Reading Bookmania is an open competition among young adults aged 12-14 from all over Ukraine. It is held annually since 2002 and lasts from January till April. The Contest took place in 370 districts, 141 cities, more than 8600 schools and 880 children's and village libraries. Within three months schoolchildren of 6-8 grades read books and make notes in their reader's diaries. The Contest aims at the development of children's habit to read regularly after classes and at convincing them that it is possible to win due to the sole fact that you read a lot. There are four stages of the Contest. All children receive awards for participation: reader's certificates and diplomas. Two winners from each region have the opportunity to come to Lviv to the International Festival of Children Reading Bookmania.
For more information: http://knygomania.com/


The International Festival of Children Reading Bookmania has been organized annually since 2002 and includes a number of events aiming at popularization of reading among children and young adults from 4 to 14 years old. This is a unique in Ukraine and one of not numerous events in Central and Eastern Europe absolutely devoted to children's literature and reading. Within the years it was attended by more than 65 000 children and their parents, children's literature specialists, publishers, pedagogues and other interested people. Due to communication with famous people and participation in different interesting events children get to know that reading is not just useful, but also interesting and funny. Festival's format allows engaging children into reading with a help of different methods: creativity, sport, games and additional studies. During a 3-day festival 300 events take place, such as ceremony of awarding winners of reading Contest, meetings with Ukrainian and foreign authors, literary readings, literary quests, workshops on various kinds of creativity, discussions, competitions and entertainments.
For more information: http://childrenfestival.org.ua/

READING MARATHON /NGO Publishers' Forum (Ukraine)/

Reading Marathon is an annual series of events aiming at the promotion of awareness and popularization of contemporary Ukrainian literature among the schoolchildren of Lviv. It is held in cooperation with the Departments of Education and Culture of the Lviv Regional State Administration and Lviv City Council since 2008 in schools, libraries and kindergartens. Within this period 482 meetings with 103 writers from Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhhorod, Kiev took place in 135 institutions. The project provides the possibility to reach not only children who are already interested in reading but also the so-called non-readers. In general, for these years more than 18 thousand schoolchildren from Lviv attended the meetings. Among the events of the Marathon there are meeting with writers, master classes, book presentations. The event is held every year in April-May prior to the International Festival of Children Reading Bookmania.
For more information: http://childrenfestival.org.ua/

THE NATIONAL LIBRARY READERS CONTEST /The National Parliamentary Library (Georgia)/

The National Parliamentary Library of Georgia launched a new project aiming on encouraging readers, popularization of reading and promotion of literacy in Georgia in 2014. The contest will be arranged annually and every National Library reader will have the opportunity to participate. According to the requirements of "Readers Contest 2014", every contestant is obliged to have read "Antonio and David" by Jemal Karchkhadze and "The Stranger" by Albert Camus. Participants will complete the tests created about these works. The shortlisted candidates will be invited for a second round, where contestants must submit to the jury two presentations about the book. Three authors of the best presentation will be named winners. The first place winner will receive and certificate of "Readers Contest 2014 winner". The company Geocell will award the second place winner with Geocell Connect" and package "Mat". The third place winner will receive chess of original design and books published by "Diogene" and "Intellect". The winners will receive prizes at the awarding ceremony at the National Library.
For more information: http://www.nplg.gov.ge/eng/news/mkiTxvelTa_konkursi_2014/id1304

READING OLYMPIAD /"Antares" Publishing House, "Dasaran.am" (Armenia)/

"Antares" Publishing House in cooperation with "Dasaran.am" web portal has been organizing "The Reading Olympiad" for 6 grade schoolchildren since 2012. The Olympiad is developed based on the German model of Vorlesewettbewerb (Reading Competition), which has been organized Germany since 1946 and has always been considered as a very important means for the general public to get connected to the book and reading. The goal of the Reading Olympiad in Armenia is to emphasize the importance of reading among the schoolchildren. The winners of the competition are to become heroes of their families, schools and the region because of their love to reading and knowledge in general. Thus the schools of the participants who win the school, city and regional stages of the competition get prizes such as the new libraries or new books for working libraries of the schools, towns, villages and regions. The participants and their families also get different prizes from the organizers, other partners and sponsors of the competition, and the number of partners grows from year to year.


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