Press Release: “Fair-Play and Collaboration” Workshop on Intellectual Property, Working Conditions and Collaborative Actions for Writers and Literary Translators in Lviv, Ukraine

15-16 December 2012
Registration from 9:30. Workshop starts at 10:00

"Sonata" Conference hall, 14 Morozna Str., Lviv, Ukraine
Organized by:
Next Page Foundation (Bulgaria) and Publishers' Forum (Ukraine)

Aim of the workshop:
  • to provide practical knowledge on the various aspects of the rights of writers and translators, ranging from ones related to legal and contractual issues (copyrights, remuneration) to social ones (freedom of speech, working conditions, visibility)
  • to provide a platform for discussion and exchange within Armenia/Georgian/Ukraine literary and translators' community, and with colleagues from the European Union as well as to give examples of international practices Ultimately, the workshop aims at empowering and motivating writers and translators for collective actions for improved relations with publishers, state and the wider audiences.
The workshop is organized by the Publishers' Forum-Lviv (local partner for Ukraine) and Next Page Foundation in the framework of the Book Platform Project, and supported by the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme of the European Union. 

Participants: Ukrainian writers and translators, organizers of literary events and festivals, journalists from different cities of Ukraine


Bas Pauw
− Director of International Writers' Program, Foundation for the Promotion and Translation of Dutch Literature, Amsterdam

Yuka Gavrilova − literary agent, journalist, Head of the Legal Office of the Kyiv National Media Trade Union. Collaborates with Izdryk, Alexander Krasyuk, Irena Karpa, Andrew Kokotyuha, Kapranov Brothers

Volodimir Konovalenko
− specialist in publishing, author of books and numerous articles on intellectual property. Created and implemented a system for management of copyrights for publishers, broadcasting companies and other companies

Open only to registered participants. Accreditation:
coordinator Iryna Lepska(097)2393876, ilepska@bookforum.com.ua

is a project of Next Page Foundation in cooperation with National Publishers Association (Armenia), Georgian Book Publishers Association (Georgia), Publishers Forum-Lviv (Ukraine). The project is funded by the European Union and is implemented in frames of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme in support of the role of culture in the region's sustainable development and promotion of regional cooperation among public institutions, civil society, cultural and academic organisations in the Eastern Partnership region and with the European Union.

More information is available here

or contact:

Iryna Lepska - local manager Ukraine
tel: (097)2393876
e-mail: ilepska@bookforum.com.ua

Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine
101 Volodymyrska St. Kyiv, 01033 Ukraine
Telephone: 380 (44) 390 8010 Fax : 380 (44) 390 80 15


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