Book Platform at VI International Forum of Translators and Publishers
Book Platform project will be officially presented at the VI International Forum of Translators and Publishers, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Armenia in the framework of Yerevan World Book Capital 2012. The project will be presented by the director of Next Page Foundation Ms. Yana Genova at the official opening of the Forum starting on
06 Nov 2012, at 17:00.
Ms. Genova's presentation will have a special focus on the results of the studies of the translations from Armenian into 11 target languages, which was just completed by the end of September. All the studies are available here.
Another Book Platform-related event, which will take place in the framework of the Forum, is the workshop "The Role of Copyright System in the Promotion of Publishing as a Cultural
Industry" (8-9 November).
Информационный бюллетень
Книжная платформа Информационный бюллетень 18
Книжная платформа Информационный бюллетень 17
Книжная платформа Информационный бюллетень 16
Книжная платформа Информационный бюллетень 15
Книжная платформа Информационный бюллетень 14
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