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Advisory Committee on Promotion of Reading in Ukraine

The purpose of the committee is to consult Book Platform project in Ukraine on the content of the Promotion of Reading Internships, which are part of the capacity building cluster of the project. The committee is expected to adjust the planned project activities to local needs, advise on choice of experts and researchers as well as to assist in ensuring visibility of its results in the country. Its work is documented by means of meetings memos!

Scroll down for memos and pictures from the committee meetings!



Theorist of literature, critic, journalist. Professor of the Department of Publishing and Editing of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing. Member of the International Research Society for Children's Literature (IRSCL). One of the most reputable researches of the Ukrainian literature for children. Coordinator of the international conference about the problems of children's reading within the Lviv Publishers' Forum.


Director of the Lviv Regional Library for Children. Member of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Library Association. Author and initiator of many projects of the library. She initiated establishing professional connections between the library and public libraries in Poland and the Polish Library Association. She is a participant of many international conferences, has made a working visit to the US libraries in a group of library managers of the Lviv region.


Ukrainian public figure. President of NGO Publishers' Forum. Initiator and organizer of numerous projects of the organization, in particular the Lviv International Book Fair and Literary Festival. Author of numerous publications in mass-media that deal with the Ukrainian book market, the support and promotion of reading. Co-founder of the Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association.

1. Meeting on November 9, 2013
Issue for discussion: Selection of a candidate for the Promotion of Reading Internship

2. Meeting on February 4, 2014
Issue for discussion: the structure of a report and the plan of a presentation of the research results on reading habits and attitude towards reading in Ukraine

Последние известия
Book Platform staff and stakeholders gathered in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia in the end of July 2014 for a week-long final self-evaluation and sustainability session on the project.
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Final Press-Conference of the Book Platform Project
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Press Release: Final Press-Conference of the Book Platform Project
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