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Advisory Committee on Translations in Ukraine
The purpose of the committee is to consult Book Platform project in Ukraine on the content of the capacity-building and policy activities related to the topic of translations. The committee is expected to adjust
the planned project activities to local needs, advise on choice of experts and researchers as well as to assist in ensuring visibility of its results in the country.
Scroll down for memos and pictures from the committee meetings!
Scroll down for memos and pictures from the committee meetings!
PhD in Philology, professor in the Slavic philology department of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Slavic translator. Author of 5 monographs
about Serbian literature (4 of them are published in Serbia in Serbian), 200 publications about Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Polish, Ukrainian literatures and 90 translations from Serbian,
Croatian, Polish and from Ukrainian into Serbian. Since 2007 she has been actively cooperating with Publishers' Forum.
General Manager of Сalvaria publishing house, Head of Project Department of Calvaria Publishing House Foundation. Coordinator of more than 100 publishing
and cultural projects and projects in the sphere of intellectual property and copyrights issues. Coordinator of the project "More Countries – More Books" aiming at promotion of contemporary
Ukrainian literature abroad.
Program Director of the International Literary Festival in Lviv. Poet, publicist, musician. Coordinator and initiator of many cultural and literary
projects, for example, the festivals "Context" and "Translit". Member of a working team "Lviv – UNESCO City of Literature". Deputy editor-in-chief of the sociocultural periodical "Prosto
Neba". Author of a collection of poems "Inner Jihad" (Meridian Czernowitz, 2012). Some poems were translated into English, Czech, Russian, Polish, German, French and Belarusian.
Ukrainian translator, member of the National Writers' Union of Ukraine, translates from Norwegian, German and Swedish, organically introduces modern
authors and their original works to Ukrainian culture extending the knowledge of Ukrainian readers about European literature and European world. Senior lecturer of the Ivan Franko National
University of Lviv. In 1997 she founded and became the director of the Nordic Centre at this university (1997-2002) and the Baltic University Programme Centre in Ukraine.
1. Virtual meeting on January 03, 2014:Issues for discussion: Considering the application of Calvaria Publishing House Foundation within the Events Participation Support Scheme
2. Virtual meeting on February 18, 2014:
Issues for discussion: Considering applications for participation in Leipzig Book Fair within the Events Participation Support Scheme
Последние известия
Book Platform staff and stakeholders gathered in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia in the end of July 2014 for a week-long final self-evaluation and sustainability session on the project.
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