Стажировки Поощрение чтения: Грузия
23-29 June 2014 in Poland
- Giorgi Sabanadze is Head of Public Relations and Cultural Programs Division at the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia
Host organization
The selected participant will be kindly hosted by the ABCXXI - All of Poland Reads to Kids Foundation. ABCXXI - All of Poland Reads to Kids
Foundation (until Jan. 2006 known as "ABCXXI - Emotional Health Program") was established in December 1998 by Irena Kozminska, who now leads the organization as its President. The purpose
of creating the Foundation was to support the emotional health of children and young people in Poland through educational, organizational and promotional activities, as well as lobbying.
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Giorgi Sabanadze from the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia will spend a 7-day internship at the "All of Poland Reads to Kids" Foundation from June 23 to June 29, 2014
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Giorgi Sabanadze from the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia spent a 7-day internship at the All of Poland Reads to Kids Foundation
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