Public Discussion on Readership in Ukraine

16 May 2014 (during Lviv International Children's Festival)

"Tell me what you read and I will tell you who you are", - with these words the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Sych started the presentation of the results of the study on reading habits and attitudes to reading carried out within the Book Platform project. It took place on June 26, 2014 in the Scientific Library of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

135 people attended the presentation. Among them there were the authority representatives, writers, publishers, booksellers, the mass media, librarians, translators, journalists, critics, literary scholars, cultural managers and public figures, educators and scientists.

The audience was greeted by the organizers and partners, namely by: the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Sych, the First Deputy Minister of Culture Olesya Ostrovska-Lyuta, the President of the Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association Oleksandr Afonin, the President of the Ukrainian Library Association Iryna Shevchenko, Team Leader of the Regional Monitoring and Capacity Building Unit (RMCBU) of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme Luciano Gloor and the President of NGO "Publishers' Forum" Oleksandra Koval. In his speech Mister Afonin mentioned: "Nowadays we have another war, the war in which we have already suffered considerable losses, this is the war for minds. As annually the state spends on minds, on education only 10 hryvnias per person!I want everyone to realize: the state does not exist without a book".

The presentation of the results of the study on reading habits and attitudes to reading, conducted by the pro.mova company in 2013-2014, and commissioned by NGO Publishers' Forum within the Book Platform project was very informative. The results, which were presented to the audience, must become one more impetus to the relevant changes in the modern book sector of Ukraine. The authors of the research state that the main reason for non-reading is the lack of need to read.

The results of the study on reading habits and attitudes to reading can be found on the website of the Book Platform project at the following link:



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"Tell me what you read and I will tell you who you are", - with these words the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Sych started the presentation of the results of the study on reading habits
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