Public Discussion on Readership in Armenia

19 June 2013, Yerevan
The public discussion on the Results of a survey on readership was held on June 19 in the National Children's Library after Knhko Aper. An audience of around 40 people attended the discussion, among which − representatives of the Ministries of the RA, NGO-s, educational institutions, media, sociologists, publishers, librarians, booksellers and other interested in the survey. The event was officially opened by Vahan Khachatryan, Executive Director of the National Publishers' Association and Local Manager of the Book Platform project. The presentation of the results and the discussion were moderated by Davit Muradyan, writer and publicist. The results of the survey were presented in details by Lilit Avdalyan, sociologist and representative of "Sensei" Marketing Academy, and Ruzan Tonoyan, the expert of the survey.

Seyranuhi Geghamyan, Head of the Modern Art of the Ministry of Culture during her speech mentioned that the Minister of Culture welcomes the "Book Platform" project and its activity and added that the cooperation will be continuous. The Ministry has made various analysis and surveys on reading but this one is more extensive and detailed. In response to V. Khachatryan's proposal to organize such a public discussion with the Ministry of Education and Science, Karine Aleksanyan, Head of the Department of Preschool and Secondary Education of the Ministry, promised to present the issue to the Minister and inform the NPAA about the results. Davit Gyrujinyan(lecturer, candidate of sciences, author of educational books) proposed several recommendations which will contribute to the development of a reading society. In this respect, he mentioned as a good example the TV program "My Library", implemented by Armnews TV channel in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Armenia. The purpose of the program is reading promotion, assessment and appreciation of books especially among young people and teenagers.

Speeches and remarks about the survey were as well made by Lilit Ter-Grigoryan, lecturer at the Armenian State Pedagogical University, Khachik Cardanyan of the Armenian Booksellers' Association, Gagik Sukiasyan, Head of the Chair of the Library Science and Bibliography of the Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan, a candidate of sciences and professor, Aleksandr Aghabekyan, Director of the "Gitank" publishing house, Aram Navasardyan, Director of Gallup International-Armenia. All the speakers noticed that both the experts and the population were equally important for increasing the interest in reading and books.



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