Роль системы авторского права в содействии книгоиздания сферы культурной индустрии
7-8 ноября 2012, Ереван, Армения
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Book Platform project will be officially presented at the VI International Forum of Translators and Publishers, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Armenia in the framework of Yerevan World Book Capital 2012. The project will be
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Следующий семинар «Роль системы авторского права в содействии книгоиздания
сферы культурной индустрии"», организованный
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Press Release: International Workshop on Copyrights in Book Publishing in Armenia and a Presentation of Book Platform Project to Take Place Within Yerevan World Book Capital Program
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The third Book Platform capacity building event took place on 7-8 November in Yerevan, Armenia. The seminar was dedicated to the topic of copyrights in book publishing in Armenia.
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The VI Forum of Translators and Publishers, which takes place annually in Yerevan, this year was more international than ever before. In
addition to the participants from CIS and Baltic countries, the Forum had invited guests from Germany, the
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