Тренинг по стратегии охвата новой аудитории
8-9 Сентября 2012 г., Грузия
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Next training of Book Platform will focus on new ways of reaching audiences. The two-day interactive seminar will be moderated by Johan Greiff (Sweden) who is a
CEO of a company for production and distribution of ebooks as well as by the Georgian
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Press release: The second training workshop within the Book Platform project will take place on 8th-9th September 2012 at Kapiloni Hotel, Selo Misaktsieli, 3308 Mtsʼkhetʼa.
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The second training workshop within the Book Platform project, entitled Audiences Outreach Strategies, took place on 8-9 September 2012 in Selo Misaktsieli, Georgia.
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