Тренинг по стратегии охвата новой аудитории

8-9 Сентября 2012 г., Грузия

Анкеты и обратная связь

The participants were kindly asked to complete anonymous evaluation forms after the seminar. 15 forms were fulfilled and submitted.

The distributed evaluation form can be viewed in PDF.

The processed and summarized feedbacks can be downloaded here in Word and PDF.


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Дополнительная информация
Новости по теме
Next training of Book Platform will focus on new ways of reaching audiences. The two-day interactive seminar will be moderated by Johan Greiff (Sweden) who is a CEO of a company for production and distribution of ebooks as well as by the Georgian
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Press release: The second training workshop within the Book Platform project will take place on 8th-9th September 2012 at Kapiloni Hotel, Selo Misaktsieli, 3308 Mtsʼkhetʼa.
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The second training workshop within the Book Platform project, entitled Audiences Outreach Strategies, took place on 8-9 September 2012 in Selo Misaktsieli, Georgia.
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