Исследование книгоиздания как ключевой культурной промышленности: Армения
A summary of a survey carried out in 2012-2013
The survey on publishing and bookselling in Armenia was commissioned and monitored by the National Publishers
Association of Armenia as part of the Book Platform project. Being the first ever attempt to collect, systematize and analyze primary and secondary data on publishing and bookselling in the
country, the survey faced significant challenges. Much of the basic information collected is inherently fragmented and only partly consistent, and thus the
survey results rather raise questions than provide answers. Drawing a reliable and a consistent picture of the Armenian book sector remains a task for the future.
The publication available below offers an overview prepared by Rüdiger Wischenbart on the basic parameters of the Armenian "book ecosystem".
The publication "Publishing and Bookselling in Armenia: an overview. A summary of a survey carried out in 2012-2013" consists of the following chapters:
This publication is developed under the Book platform project of Next Page Foundation. The Book Platform project is funded by the European Union and is implemented in the frames of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
The publication available below offers an overview prepared by Rüdiger Wischenbart on the basic parameters of the Armenian "book ecosystem".
The publication "Publishing and Bookselling in Armenia: an overview. A summary of a survey carried out in 2012-2013" consists of the following chapters:
- Overview (Economic and other relevant key parameters/ Copyright and legal framework/ Professional organizations)
The Armenian Book Market (Trade publishing/ Educational publishing/ Digital publishing and distribution/ Libraries/ Book selling: Distribution and retail/
Imports and exports)
- Outlook: Opportunities and challenges
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This publication is developed under the Book platform project of Next Page Foundation. The Book Platform project is funded by the European Union and is implemented in the frames of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
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Новости по теме
Тhe local researchers have been selected who will study the Publishing Market of Armenia. The Board of the National
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