Интеллектуальная собственность и совместные действия для создателей: Украина

15-16 декабря 2012
Authors and translators, mostly from the younger generation that will shape tomorrow's literary landscape in Ukraine, had gathered for a two-day workshop in Lviv to discuss what can they jointly do to improve standards in the book trade. The workshop entitled Fair-Play and Collaboration was opened by Orest Sheyka of the Lviv Regional Council who confirmed the local authorities' commitment to developing Lviv as a city of books and literature.

The workshop aimed at:

  • providing practical knowledge on the various aspects of the rights of writers and translators, ranging from ones related to legal and contractual issues (copyrights, remuneration) to social ones (freedom of speech, working conditions, visibility) and
  • triggering a platform for discussion and exchange within the Ukrainian literary and translators' community, and with colleagues from the European Union as well as to give examples of international practices.
The workshop was a success in both! In an atmosphere of open debates and active commitment, the two days included spectacular presentations by Yuka Gavrilova (literary agent, Ukraine) on aspects on the "fair-play", by Volodimyr Konovalenko (copyrights expert, Ukraine) on the principles and the practicalities of rights and by Bas Bauw (Dutch Foundation for Literature, The Netherlands) on the various possibilities for international cooperation and forms of support for the creative work of authors and translators. The workshop also featured several Ukrainian initiatives: the newly formed Association of Authors and Literary Translators, the literary festival Meridian Czernowitz, the literary club Marusia, and the portal Litfest.

Participants worked hard to device different standard author/publishers contracts that acknowledge interests of all parties and take care of the nature of the book and translation business. They also welcomed the Ukrainian version of CEATL's Hexalogue that sets up key principles of a new code of conduct.

Now that there is a new collective association at place, we have all the conditions to see a change taking shape. Book Platform project will support the initiative and assist it gaining strength and contacts also internationally.

As one of the participants put it:

Ну от і почали дізнаватися про чесні правила гри. На воркшопі тільки найліпші і найперспективніші.


Pictures by Ukrainian photoagency LUFA


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Дополнительная информация
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Authors and translators, mostly from the younger generation that will shape tomorrow's literary landscape in Ukraine, gathered for a two-day workshop in Lviv to discuss what can they jointly do to improve standards in the book trade. The workshop
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