Интеллектуальная собственность и совместные действия для создателей: Грузия
25-26 января 2013
The workshop, entitled "Fair-Play and Collaboration: Intellectual property, working conditions and
collaborative actions for writers and literary translators", will take place on 25-26 January in Tbilisi, and will be hosted by
the National Library of Georgia. The workshop is organized in the framework of the Book Platform Project, and is supported by the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme of the European
Aim of the workshop:
Participants: Georgian writers and literary translators
Open to registered participants only. Coordinator Ketevan Jakeli, local manager Book Platform project, dir@gpba.ge
Invited speakers, discussants and moderators:
Aim of the workshop:
- to provide practical knowledge on the various aspects of the rights of writers and translators, ranging from ones related to legal and contractual issues (copyrights, remuneration) to social ones (freedom of speech, working conditions, visibility)
- to provide a platform for discussion and exchange within Georgian literary and translators' community, and with colleagues from the European Union as well as to give examples of international practices
Participants: Georgian writers and literary translators
Open to registered participants only. Coordinator Ketevan Jakeli, local manager Book Platform project, dir@gpba.ge
Invited speakers, discussants and moderators:
- Daniel Hahn (UK) − Director of British Center for Literary Translations, author, translator
- Lasha Bakradze (Georgia) − Director of Literature Museum
- Medea Shengelia (Georgia) − A lawyer from Georgian Copyright Association
- Yana Genova (Bulgaria) − Director Next Page Foundation and manager of Book Platform project
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Новости по теме
The second workshop for 2013 within the Book Platform project will take place on 25-26 January in Tbilisi. The workshop is entitled "Fair-Play and Collaboration: Intellectual property, working conditions and collaborative actions for writers and
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Press Release: Book Platform project presentation in Tbilisi, 25 January
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Press Release: “Fair-Play and Collaboration” Workshop on Intellectual Property, Working Conditions and Collaborative Actions for Writers and Literary Translators in Tbilisi, 25-26 January
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The third workshop in the series of authors/translators workshops on rights took place in Tbilisi at the premises of the National Parliamentary Library.
Skillfully moderated by Lasha Bakradze (director of Literature Museum), the workshop featured
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Book Platform project public presentation took place on the 26th January 2013 in the grand hall of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia. The presentation
gathered book sector stakeholders and media, and was opened by Marine Mizandari,
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The "Fair-Play and Collaboration" workshop, which took place
in Tbilisi on 24-25 January 2013, and the project presentation that followed, were broadly covered by the online
media, TV and radio.
The announcement of the forthcoming workshop
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