Интеллектуальная собственность и совместные действия для создателей: Армения

14-15 января 2013
Fair-Play and Collaboration:
Intellectual Property, Working Conditions and Collaborative Actions
for Writers and Literary Translators in Armenia

14-15 January 2013
Registration from 9:30. Workshop starts at 10:00

Venue: American University of Armenia, Manoogian Hall, Paramaz Avedisian Building

Aim of the workshop:
  • to provide practical knowledge on the various aspects of the rights of writers and translators, ranging from ones related to legal and contractual issues (copyrights, remuneration) to social ones (freedom of speech, working conditions, visibility)
  • to provide a platform for discussion and exchange within Armenian literary and translators' community, and with colleagues from the European Union as well as to give examples of international practices
Ultimately, the workshop aims at empowering and motivating writers and translators for collective actions for improved relations with publishers, state and the wider audiences.

Armenian writers and literary translators, organizers of literary events, associations, clubs and festivals

Open only to registered participants. Accreditation:
coordinator Shushan Avagyan, shushan.avagyan@aua.am

Invited speakers, discussants and moderators:

  • Daniel Hahn (UK) − Director of British Center for Literary Translations, author, translator
  • Sonya Vardanyan (Armenia) Head of Copyright and Related Rights Department of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia;
  • Shushan Mkhitaryan (Armenia) Chief Specialist of Copyright and Related Rights Department of the Intellectual Property Agency of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia;
  • Tom Samuelian (Armenia) Dean of the College of Humanities & Social Sciences, AUA;
  • Vahan Khachatryan (Armenia) director of National Publishers Association;
  • Armine Abrahamyan (Armenia) script writer, novelist;
  • Viken Berberian (Armenia) novelist;
  • Samvel Mkrtchyan (Armenia) literary translator;
  • Aram Mehrabyan (Armenia) publisher, PrintInfo Press;
  • Siranush Dvoyan (Armenia) editor of Yev;
  • Mkrtich Matevosyan (Armenia) Aktual Arvest;
  • Nairi Hakhverdi (Armenia) literary translator;
  • Arevik Ashkharoyan (Armenia) First Armenian Literary Agency;
  • Shushan Avagyan (Armenia) professor at AUA and literary translator;
  • Yana Genova (Bulgaria) director of Next Page Foundation and general manager of Book Platform project.

Photos Credit: Liliya Zaydulina/ American University of Armenia


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Дополнительная информация
Новости по теме
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