Ukrainian participants at Salon du Livre
21-24 March 2014
With the support of the Book Platform Events Participation Support Scheme, 2
publishers – Anetta Antonenko (Calvaria Publishing House) and Mykola Kravchenko (Nora Druk Publishing House), and
1 author – Maryna Hrymych, took part in Salon du Livre 2014 (Paris, Bordeaux and Strasbourg, France) – one of the largest book forums in the world.
The organizers announced about 1200 participating publishing houses and 200 thousand visitors. This year Argentina was the Guest of Honor Country, and Shanghai was chosen as a Special Guest.
A number of events devoted to the greatest Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko's 200-year anniversary of birth were held at the Ukrainian stand. Many books of translations of his works into various languages were presented by different contemporary Ukrainian authors, including Andrey Kurkov and Yuriy Makarov.
Authors Maryna Hrymych and Liubko Deresh had a public meeting in the Reading Club of Bordeaux. It was attended by multi-national audience. The meeting was followed by a combined French-Ukrainian buffet.
Yuriy Makarov presented a non-profit showing the documentary film "My Shevchenko" in the Council of Europe (Strasbourg). It was followed by a lively discussion about the film, the figure of Taras Shevchenko and the current political situation in Ukraine. This discussion gave food for thought and fruitful conclusions.
Ukrainian publishers had a number of business meetings, managed to strengthen the already established contacts with French publishers, and to develop new ones. The aims of the trip were fully achieved and the participants expect to have practical outcomes in the nearest future.
The Book Platform project was represented by the informational materials, such as publications of studies carried out within the project and bookmarks which were distributed among interested people.

A number of events devoted to the greatest Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko's 200-year anniversary of birth were held at the Ukrainian stand. Many books of translations of his works into various languages were presented by different contemporary Ukrainian authors, including Andrey Kurkov and Yuriy Makarov.
Authors Maryna Hrymych and Liubko Deresh had a public meeting in the Reading Club of Bordeaux. It was attended by multi-national audience. The meeting was followed by a combined French-Ukrainian buffet.
Yuriy Makarov presented a non-profit showing the documentary film "My Shevchenko" in the Council of Europe (Strasbourg). It was followed by a lively discussion about the film, the figure of Taras Shevchenko and the current political situation in Ukraine. This discussion gave food for thought and fruitful conclusions.
Ukrainian publishers had a number of business meetings, managed to strengthen the already established contacts with French publishers, and to develop new ones. The aims of the trip were fully achieved and the participants expect to have practical outcomes in the nearest future.
The Book Platform project was represented by the informational materials, such as publications of studies carried out within the project and bookmarks which were distributed among interested people.

ამ გამოცემაზე ჯერ არ არის კომენტარი.