Arevik Ashkharoyan in Straelen, Germany

5-13 March 2014
On March 5-13, 2014, a training for German-Armenian, Armenian-German, Georgian-German and German-Georgian translators took place in Straelen, Germany. The training program was organized by Goethe Institute Tbilisi. An open call was announced to get applications from translators for participation in the training. Based on sample translations that the applicants were offered to make, 6 translators from German into Armenian and 3 translators from Armenian into German were selected to participate.

Arevik Ashkharoyan, in her capacity of owner and literary agent at 1st Armenian Literary Agency, received an invitation from Goethe Institute to take part in the training, communicate with translators, and make a presentation on Publishing field of Armenia. A one-hour presentation was held for around 25 participants. Within the presentation Arevik Ashkharoyan talked about the activities of Book Platform project in Armenia, distributed brochures with the study on Publishing and Bookselling in Armenia, and presented the studies of translations from Armenian into 11 European languages. Rachel Gratzfield, an agent representing Georgian writers, was also present and shared her own experience in representation of Georgian writers as representatives of small literature. The dialogue between two agents was very interesting to outline the special difficulties and shared success of their companies.

The participation in the training was especially successful in terms of new connections established with translators from Armenian into German. The translators from Germany and Austria were rather interested in translating contemporary Armenian writers. This will bring about new opportunities for representation in German speaking countries.

Arevik Ashkharoyan participated in the presentation held by the European Center for Literary Translators, the organization which hosted the trainings. The presentation revealed the history of establishment of the center as a unique residency for literary translations with a huge library and many projects fulfilled each year. The presentation of the website of Literary Translators' Association of Germany was very useful, as Ms. Ashkharoyan, also as an Executive Director for Armenian Literature Foundation, is considering the establishment of Literary Translators' Association in Armenia, and will use the gained knowledge to structure the website of the local association. This was discussed with other participants of the training, who arrived from Armenia, and decided to join efforts for the creation of such a resource for literary translators and other interested parties.

The participation of Ms. Arevik Ashkharoyan in this training was made possible with the support of the Events Participation Support Scheme of Book Platform project.



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Events Participation: Arevik Ashkharoyan in Straelen, Germany
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წევრის სისტემაში შესვლა სიახლეები მედია საინფორმაციო ბიულეტენი ვადები და პირობები