Translating Ukraine: German Experience - Presentation and Discussion at Leipzig Book Fair 2014

14 March 2014 in Leipzig, Germany
Ukrainian publishers and authors presented Ukraine at the Leipzig Book Fair – the second largest book fair in the world after the Frankfurt Book Fair, which was held on March 13-16, 2014. Ukraine presented 15 events, and one of them was the professional discussion "Translating Ukraine: German Experience" within the Book Platform project. Participants of the discussion, among whom there were members of the translation union "Translit" Claudia Dathe and Sofia Onufriv, coordinator of the "Tranzyt" program Kateryna Stetsevych, writer and translator Tymofiy Havryliv, writer and editor of the "Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva" ("Old Lion Publishing House") Marjana Savka, were speaking about the presence of Ukrainian literature in Germany and presented the results of the translations studies carried out earlier as a part of the project.

Iryna Lepska, manager of the Book Platform project in Ukraine: Such professional discussions, during which it is possible to analyze the achieved results and to examine prospects of the translation process development, are always very valuable. During the discussion the participants once again emphasized that for the effective promotion of Ukrainian literature abroad it was necessary to establish a specialized institution as it had happened in other European countries. Ukrainian literature and culture deserve to be known to as many foreign readers as possible.

Despite the fact that the events related to EuroMaydan aroused the greatest interest, the professional translation discussion was also popular enough. It gathered an audience of over 35 translators, authors, journalists, researches and other visitors interested in the topic.



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Book Platform at Leipzig Book Fair 2014
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