კითხვის პოპულარობისა და კითხვის ჩვევების პოლიტიკა კვლევა: სომხეთი
Results of a survey on readership
The study Reading Habits in Armenia, developed under the Book Platform project, is the first large-scale attempt to study current state of reading
in Armenia, its frequency, readers' preferences, attitudes and habits. The study was carried out in the period October-December 2012 by an external sociological service company chosen by the
National Publishers Association of Armenia via a tender procedure. It consisted of focus group discussions and a quantitative survey covering a representative sample of the Armenian
Perhaps the most alarming finding of the survey is the extreme decline of reading: compared to five years ago, a whole 37 percent of respondents now do not read at all and 43 percent read comparatively less! Even more disturbing is the fact that about 59 percent of those who do not read at all state that they will never start/restart reading. On the more positive side, the survey finds out that the more the dynamic of reading increases, the greater the share of young people (18-34 years old) becomes! Reading of fiction rules over printed media: 56 percent of readers read fiction, 42 percent - newspapers or magazines, while over 34 percent prefer to read specialized printed books.
The wealth of data provided by the survey offers to all professionals in the book sector, educators and policy-makers an indispensable tool for grounding future actions and policies on an accurate depiction of today's situation.
Reading Habits in Armenia. Results of a survey on readership. (Includes also an overview on reading dynamics in Armenia based on the study results by Ruzan Tonoyan, director of Khnko Aper National Children's Library).
Here you can also download:
1. Questionnaire used in the Readership Study in English and in Armenian.
2. Primary data available here (opens with SPSS).
Perhaps the most alarming finding of the survey is the extreme decline of reading: compared to five years ago, a whole 37 percent of respondents now do not read at all and 43 percent read comparatively less! Even more disturbing is the fact that about 59 percent of those who do not read at all state that they will never start/restart reading. On the more positive side, the survey finds out that the more the dynamic of reading increases, the greater the share of young people (18-34 years old) becomes! Reading of fiction rules over printed media: 56 percent of readers read fiction, 42 percent - newspapers or magazines, while over 34 percent prefer to read specialized printed books.
The wealth of data provided by the survey offers to all professionals in the book sector, educators and policy-makers an indispensable tool for grounding future actions and policies on an accurate depiction of today's situation.
Reading Habits in Armenia. Results of a survey on readership. (Includes also an overview on reading dynamics in Armenia based on the study results by Ruzan Tonoyan, director of Khnko Aper National Children's Library).
Download in English | Download in Armenian |
Here you can also download:
1. Questionnaire used in the Readership Study in English and in Armenian.
2. Primary data available here (opens with SPSS).
ეს გზამკვლევი შედგენილია ,,ნექსთ ფეიჯის'' პროექტ ,,წიგნის პლატფორმის'' ფარგლებში. პროექტი ,,წიგნის პლატფომრა'' დაფინანსებულია ევროკავშირის მიერ და ხორციელდება
,,აღმოსავლეთ კულტურის პარტნიორობის პროგრამის'' ფარგლებში.
ეს პუბლიკაცია გამოიცა ევროკავშირის მხარდაჭერით. პუბლიკაციის შინაარსზე პასუხისმგებლობა ეკისრებათ მის ავტორებს და მასში გამოხატული მოსაზრებები არ წარმოადგენს ევროკავშირის ოფიციალურ მოსაზრებებს.
დამატებითი ინფორმაცია
დაკავშირებული სიახლეები
საჯარო დებატები "მკითხველთა ჩვევები სომხეთში"
ჩატარდება 2013 წლის 19 ივნისს ერევანში.
წაიკითხე მეტი
წაიკითხე მეტი
ამ გამოცემაზე ჯერ არ არის კომენტარი.