მონაცემთა შეგროვება, ანალიზი და რეკომენდაციები: თარგმანები უკრაინულ ენაზე

1991 წლიდან დღემდე
The texts in the brochure "Translations into Ukrainian 1992-2012" focus on the state of book translations from foreign languages into Ukrainian over the last 20 years. To provide the discussions on translations into Ukrainian with a context and a perspective, the Book Platform project commissioned a profound study on translations to the Ukrainian expert Kostyantyn Rodyk, two commentaries on its results by Ukrainian professionals in the book/translation sector as well as an external view and policy recommendations to Peter Inkei, an expert in cultural policy.

The departments of translation studies, book studies, publishing and editing departments, translators' and writers' unions, The Book Chamber of Ukraine, Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association, publishing houses, editors and translators – all of them make up the platform where the history, theory and
practice of contemporary translation should be created and its promotion both in Ukraine and abroad, as well as its prospects, should be developed. It is only with a joint effort – of everyone working in that realm – that the complete and entire picture of the translated literature segment could be created, starting with precise terminology and ending with the databases of translators with Ukrainian as a source and target language. This work is yet to be done.

However, while we are launching our cooperation and building the scientific capacity, Kostyantyn Rodyk agreed to provide the Publishers Forum and the Book Platform project with the results of his work. He offers an author's view on the problem, based on multi-pronged approaches to quantitative and qualitative parameters of the studied material. The author of the research reveals the hidden problems and the stumbling points which complicate the process of collection of the material, the lack of analytical tools, clear research methods, etc. The material proposed by the researcher does not provide answers to many questions, certain
statements arouse controversy, but this is the ground to motivate all interested parties and to encourage further research.

The texts in this brochure may provide the basis and are an invitation for a wide public and professional debate on the current state and the future prospects of translations into Ukrainian.

The publication "Translations into Ukrainian 1992-2012" consists of the following chapters:
  • TRANSLATIONS INTO UKRAINIAN: a summary of research results by Kontantin Rodyk
  • ON PROFESSIONAL MUTENESS. Commentary on the research on translations into Ukrainian by Nelia Vakhovska
  • COMMENTARY on the research on translations into Ukrainian by Dmytro Drozdovskyy

Translations into Ukrainian
. Results of a research on translations into Ukrainian language published in the period 1992-2012 (
by Kostyantyn Rodyk)

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ეს პუბლიკაცია გამოიცა ევროკავშირის მხარდაჭერით. პუბლიკაციის შინაარსზე პასუხისმგებლობა ეკისრებათ მის ავტორებს და მასში გამოხატული მოსაზრებები არ წარმოადგენს ევროკავშირის ოფიციალურ მოსაზრებებს.


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