უკრაინულიდან 12 სხვადასხვა ენაზე გაკეთებული თარგმანების შესწავლა
1991 წლიდან დღემდე
Why "Map" Translations?
TRANSLATIONS FROM UKRAINIAN AFTER 1991. FACTS, TRENDS, RECOMMENDATIONS is the outcome of a year-long study mapping translations from the Ukrainian language into ten other languages from the year 1991 to date. The texts included here are largely based on the work of researchers commissioned by the Publishers Forum – Lviv, who have prepared complete bibliographies and in-depth analyses of translations from Ukrainian into Armenian, Czech, English, French, Georgian, German, Norwegian, Polish, Serbian and Swedish.
The studies offer a fresh, evidence-based look at the questions that are of concern for the whole literary, cultural and publishing community in Ukraine:
Is Ukrainian literature known well enough to audiences in other countries? What are the mechanisms through which a translation and publication from
Ukrainian happens? What promotional techniques work best and what can be done to improve the presence of Ukrainian culture abroad via translations?
The answers to these questions are not as straightforward as they may seem at a first glance. The presence of Ukrainian writings in translation is affected in equal measure by the availability of skilful intermediators (above all, translators!), a comprehensive strategy and support, but also by the recipient's country context: its cultural and book infrastructure, its literary traditions, its audiences' expectations. This is why the current publication and the ten studies offer general recommendations on the elements of a successful strategy for promoting Ukrainian writings, yet at the same time suggest specific measures that differ for the different recipient languages.
The Book Platform project would like to thank the authors of the ten studies for the high quality of their work and for their commitment. We are also indebted to Sofiya Kosarchyn (in her capacity as a project assistant at the Publishers Forum) and to Annetta Antonenko of Calvaria Publishers who coordinated the commissioning of the studies and the monitoring of results.
The publication "Translations from Ukrainian after 1991. Facts, trends, recommendations" consists of the following chapters:
- Introduction
- Why "map" translations?
The scope and methodology of the studies on translations from Ukrainian
- The studies' outcomes: a summary from a bird's view
- Policy recommendations & strategic dilemmas
- Comments on the studies (by Annetta Antonenko)
Download in English |
Download in Ukrainian |
Here you can also download:
1. The full-text versions of all the ten studies on translations from Ukrainian
2. ბიბლიოგრაფიები ხელმისაწვდომია თარგმანების მონაცემთა ბაზაში. |
3. The Terms of Reference (ToR) of the translation studies describing aims and expected results |
4. Other useful studies on translations from other countries (mostly in English language) |
ეს გზამკვლევი შედგენილია ,,ნექსთ ფეიჯის'' პროექტ ,,წიგნის პლატფორმის'' ფარგლებში. პროექტი ,,წიგნის პლატფომრა'' დაფინანსებულია ევროკავშირის მიერ და ხორციელდება
,,აღმოსავლეთ კულტურის პარტნიორობის პროგრამის'' ფარგლებში.
ეს პუბლიკაცია გამოიცა ევროკავშირის მხარდაჭერით. პუბლიკაციის შინაარსზე პასუხისმგებლობა ეკისრებათ მის ავტორებს და მასში გამოხატული მოსაზრებები არ წარმოადგენს ევროკავშირის ოფიციალურ მოსაზრებებს.
დამატებითი ინფორმაცია
Ukrainian to Armenian Translations Study
Ukrainian to Czech Translations Study
Ukrainian to English Translations Study
Ukrainian to French Translations Study
Ukrainian to Georgian Translations Study
Ukrainian to German Translations Study
Ukrainian to Norwegian Translations Study
Ukrainian to Polish Translations Study
Ukrainian to Serbian Translations Study
Ukrainian to Swedish Translations Study
დაკავშირებული სიახლეები
Press Release: Public Discussion "Two Way Street: Ukraine Translations in the Last Twenty Years"
წაიკითხე მეტი
წაიკითხე მეტი
One of the central professional events of the 20th Lviv International Book Fair was the event dedicated to translations from and into Ukrainian,
organized within Book Platform project.
The public discussion Two Way
წაიკითხე მეტი
წაიკითხე მეტი
უკრაინის თარგმანთა სარედაქციო ვიზიტებისა და საჯარო დისკუსიების გაშუქება მედიის მიერ.
წაიკითხე მეტი
წაიკითხე მეტი
ამ გამოცემაზე ჯერ არ არის კომენტარი.