‹‹Գրականության առաջխաղացում թարգմանության միջոցով›› գործնական հանդիպում Երևանում
Երևան, Փետրվարի 21-22, 2014
Presentations and Materials
Workshop materials
Other useful materials
Authors Guide to the Frankfurt Book Fair - includes strategies for success in Frankfurt, as well as cost break-downs and a planning timeline (in English)
Next Page Foundation studies on translation flows between Eastern Europe and the South Mediterranean (in English)
Next Page Foundation study on translations from Bulgarian into other languages after 1989 (in Bulgarian with a summary in English)
UNESCO Index Translationum: the searchable world bibliography of translations Statistics and analyses of dynamics of translations across Europe developed by an Austrian consultancy company
PETRA recommendations (here you can download the recommendations in English, German and in French, as well as summaries in Italian and Spanish) Publishing Data and Statistics on Translated Literature in the United Kingdom and Ireland is a study undertaken by Literature Across Frontiers in 2012 that reveals the first ever accurate figures for the number of translated titles published in the British Isles and recommends a mechanism to collect further data.
A survey of key national organizations in Europe supporting literary translations and exchange, developed by Literature Across Frontiers and prepared by the Budapest Observatory (in English) To Be Translated or Not To Be - PEN / IRL report on the international situation of literary translation (in English)
Լրացուցիչ տեղեկություն
Առնչվող նորություններ

Գրականության առաջխաղացումը թարգմանության միջոցով Երևանում - Միջազգային աշխատանքային հանդիպում, Փետրվարի 21-22, 2014
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Promotion of Literature in Translation: Two Days of Professional Debates, Inspiration and New Ideas in Yerevan
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Sign the Book Platform Declaration on Encouraging and Promoting Translations
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Այս հրապարակման վրա դեռ մեկնաբանություններ չկան