Press Release: Public Presentation and Discussion of The Readership Study in Georgia

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Public Presentation and Discussion of
The Readership Study in Georgia

Based on the outcomes of a survey conducted by Experto ltd Consulting and Marketing Research company

The Book Platform project and the Georgian Publishers and Booksellers Association invite you to a public presentation and discussion on the Readership Study in Georgia. The event will take place

on May 31, 2014
at 15:00h
at the Book store "Book City"
21, Melikishvili Street, Tbilisi

For the first time ever, there is a comprehensive study of readership and reading habits in Georgia, second edition with additional commentary and policy recommendations by Paata Papava. The objective of the research was to study the habits, beliefs, attitudes and preferences of book readers and buyers: what type of book are they interested in, how often do they buy/read books, where do they read books and where do they buy them, what factors influence the selection process, what is the share of income spent annually on books, what is the choice between electronic and hard copy books, translated and original, etc.

Opening by: Salome Maghlakelidze

Moderated by: Paata Papava

The text of the studies is available at bookplatform.npage.org/en/activities/17-readership-ge.html

For more information, please, contact:
Salome Maghlakelidze, local project manager Book Platform
Georgian Publishers & Booksellers Association
1/12 Archil Kereselidze str, Tbilisi, 0154.
Tel: 995 32 2342390
Mob: 995 99 21 79 70


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