We in the media
Media coverage of Editorial Visits and Public Discussion Translations Ukraine
Media coverage of Editorial Visits and Public Discussion on Translations in Ukraine
Media coverage of Fair-Play workshop and public presentation in Tbilisi
The "Fair-Play and Collaboration" workshop, which took place in Tbilisi on 24-25 January 2013, and the project presentation that followed, were broadly covered by the online media, TV and radio. The announcement of the forthcoming workshop
Fair-Play workshop and project presentation in Yerevan: in the media
In Yerevan, Armenia, the workshop "Fair-Play and Collaboration" took place on 14-15 January 2013 and was followed by a public presentation of the project, its achievements so far and future plans. Both events were covered by the press online.
“Fair-Play and Collaboration”: Lviv in the media
The workshop "Fair-Play and Collaboration", which took place on 15-16 December 2012 in Lviv, Ukraine, was widely covered by the online media. The announcement about the forthcoming event was made public through many websites mainly in Ukraine, which
HHpress.am: Թարգմանական արվեստի ներկան եւ ապագան
The "Hayastany Hanrapetutyun" Armenian daily posted an article on the VI International Forum of Translators and Publishers, with a paragraph on the presentation of the Book Platform project.
Hetq Online: Ավարտվեց թարգմանիչների և հրատարակիչների երևանյան 6-րդ միջազգային համաժողովը
Hetq Online with an article about the VI International Forum of Translators and Publishers, and information regarding the seminar "Тhe Role of Copyright System in the Promotion of Publishing as a Cultural Industry".
Panorama.am: Ավարտվել է Թարգմանիչների և հրատարակիչների 6-րդ միջազգային համաժողովը. Կարևորվել էր հեղինակային իրավունքին առնչվող խնդիրները
Panorama.am posted an article on the VI International Forum of Translators and Publishers, which took place on 5-8 November in Yerevan, Armenia, including
YC Social Diplomacy: Eastern Partnership Culture Programme: Book Platform to hold workshop on copyright in Armenia
The blog on Intercultural dialogue, peace-building and Black Sea-EuroMed cooperation YC Social Diplomacy shared the news about the forthcoming seminar on Тhe Role of Copyright System in the Promotion of Publishing as a Cultural Industry.
Aysor.am: Երևանում անցկացվում է Թարգմանիչների և հրատարակիչների համաժողով
Aysor.am with a special focus on the international representativeness of the speakers: Antje Sorensen, Richard Balkwill and Yana Genova.
IFACCA.org: Book Platform to hold workshop on copyright in Armenia
The official website of the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) shared the news about the forthcoming seminar on Тhe Role of Copyright System in the Promotion of Publishing as a Cultural Industry
Book Platform Newsletter: Final Issue
Book Platform Newsletter: Issue 22
Book Platform Newsletter: Issue 21
Book Platform Newsletter: Issue 20
Book Platform Newsletter: Issue 19