Georgian authors
back to Authors indexTsotne Chikovani |
B i o g r a p h y 1967 - born in Tbilisi Education: 1984 - secondary school #53 1984 - entered Tbilisi State University, language and literature department 1989 - graduated Tbilisi State University Work Experience: "Erisioni" newspaper; "Mnate" publishing house; Tbilisi Technical University From 1995 to date – "Ninotsminda Oil Company" 1995 – issued "Tetri Limoni" (White Lemon) journal, in which writings of Aka Morchiladze, Gaga Nakhutsrishvili and other his friends were published along with his own writings This journal was followed by two more editions, "Shavi Limoni (Black Lemon) in 1999 and "Ukanaskneli Linomi" (the last lemon) in 2001 2003 – his book "Elephant-Taxi" children's verse was published 2004 – his first book – "Kazakhstan's Sorrow" collected stories was published 2005 – lyrics "Scattered verses, or pickpockets in a nudists club" 2008 - another collected stories "Khsnili" xsnili" was published |
Kazakhstan's Sorrow
Size: 160X200 mm
Number of pages: 184 Paperback. "Saari" |
The book "Kazakhstan's Sorrow" is the first full-fledged collection of Tsotne Chikovani's short stories. It was published in 2004
with small circulation, 300 copies. The book includes ten short stories written mainly over 1995-2003. These short stories are not of one particular style or trend. The stories are of different character. They also differ by size. Some of them, especially "McNolts' Guest", is autobiographical story and mainly describes real events. "McNolts' Guest" is about author's travel to Ireland, which he visited in 1994 indeed and the story described there is a gospel truth. A story "Paliashvili corner Barnov" is noteworthy, which was written under the influence of Aka Morchiladze's famous novel "August's Solitaire". Read an extract... |
Additional information
Aka Morchiladze
Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili
Basa Janikashvili
Beso Khvedelidze
Dato Turashvili
David Kartvelishvili
Erlom Akhvlediani
Gela Chkvanava
Guram Dochanashvili
Guram Megrelishvili
Irakli Charkviani
Jemal Karchkhadze
Kote Jandieri
Lasha Bugadze
Mamuka Kherkheulidze
Mariam Bekauri
Naira Gelashvili
Natalie Davitashvili
Nestan Kvinikadze
Nugzar Shataidze
Otar Chiladze
Rati Ratiani
Rezo Cheishvili
Rezo Gabriadze
Sandro Naveriani
Tamta Melashvili
Teona Dolenjashvili
Tsotne Chikovani
Zaza Burchuladze
Zurab Karumidze
Zurab Lezhava
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